Wednesday, September 20, 2006

An amazing new course

Grab this free course before Dan comes to his senses!

Right now, Dan Kelly is giving away an awesome course called
"Mini-Site Secrets Revealed". Basically, the course is a series
of videos that will walk you through everything you need to know
to setup your very own sales letter website... complete with an
order page, payment links, a protected download area, and much,
much more.

Even if you don't know difference between PHP and a PDF, Dan is
going to hold your hand and show you, step-by-step exactly what
you need to do to get YOUR SITE up and taking orders - today!

I just got my free membership, and I've got to say this course
is awesome. Dan makes it so simple for anyone to get a website
up and running. I just had to share it with you.

Don't hesitate anymore!

Go ahead and check it out right now